Pullman stands for standards
before compromise

Our mission is to meet both, the highest standards and client’s expectations.
We strive to do so for years offering top-notch medical equipment.

Experience meets passion

Our brand is composed of individuals having long-lasting experience on medical fields. We do our research in order to always step in front of our client’s expectations.

Quality before compromise

The quality of our supplies could be seen as a result of the offer containing only the most renowned brands. The brands that we know perfectly well and maintain a long-lasting cooperation with.

The time we treasure

Due to our impeccable logistic and warehouse network we are capable of an efficient processing of any order.

Mission we accomplish everyday

The mission is to create a net of services concerning provision of top-notch medical technology. Services provided always on time, complied with the highest standards.

Are you looking for medical equipment of the highest quality?

We are happy to answer all your questions.

We will describe brands we cooperate with and resolve doubts concerning product numbers. We will give you the price and order processing time.






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